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Commercial Ionizers

According to sports nutrition researchers, muscles are designed to work well only in a narrow range of almost zero acidity. Arterial blood works best with no acid at all. So the pH of an animals (especially a race horse) blood is critical! The body has a secret balance that is not only designed to keep your horse healthy, but to make movement more comfortable and efficient. That balance is the acid/alkaline balance. Acidity and alkalinity is measured by a unit called pH.

The most important factor, other than injury that causes a horse to “train off” faster than anything else is a drop in its blood pH. In the early stages of pH disturbance, it can be hard to detect why a horse would start to lag. Sometimes a depletion of its natural alkaline reserves, injudicious training techniques; and other closely associated factors such as high grain diets, the prevailing climate and workload can also contribute to the acidic condition.

For example, at rest, in a healthy horse, muscle pH should be about 6.9. The normal pH of a horse’s blood is between 7.42 and 7.45, so you can see just how narrow the range is. Any reading below 7.40 is an indication of “acidosis”.

Research shows that as your horse begins to exercise, the muscles draw fuel to provide energy to move or stretch. The more time the muscles are out of “rest” the more acid they produce as they burn the fuel. So the harder a muscle has to work in a race, the quicker it will “go acid.”

When the muscle pH drops below 6.5, the muscles cannot fuel themselves properly, nor can they rid themselves of the rapid acidic buildup because the hydration cycle is interrupted. The ability of muscle to generate power and movement is then restricted. The blood flow and breathing are also dramatically affected.

To promote efficiency of movement in racing, in any movement or stretching exercise, there must be an intervention to alkalize and flush the system before, during and after exercise. The most efficient is alkaline, ionized water. Its alkalizing effect on the body reduces muscle fatigue, stiffness and pain.

A drop in the blood pH and the subsequent rise in acidity is called acidosis but it is really a depletion of the animals alkaline reserves. Equine athletes have a very delicate acid/alkali blood balance. To get optimum performance, demands that this balance be maintained within very narrow limits.

Lactic Acid build up in the muscles is produced when there is inadequate oxygen in the cells to support the current level of activity. It is formed when the muscle stores of glycogen are broken 
 down and used for energy creating this organic acidic buildup. If enough of this acidic waste is built up, it starts to diffuse rather quickly into the blood and affects the pH there.

By starting a proactive approach to build more alkaline reserves in an equine athlete, the lactic acid diffusing into the blood will be less and overall performance will be less affected. Cerra alkaline, ionized water is one of the most efficient ways to do this. The water is produced by  water pitcher with a specialty  filter which  transforms  regular tap water into  a refreshing sweet tasting water that is loaded with anti-oxidants, more hydrating  and alkaline. Cerra alkaline, ionized water acts like an antioxidant, because it is super oxygenated, feeding the blood stream extra oxygen so the cells can work better. Scientific research also shows that an alkaline body reduces muscle fatigue and inefficiency.

It is six times more hydrating than regular water because the water is in smaller particle sizes, making them absorb faster and more easily. Because of this, it is also constantly detoxifying the body, making it faster, more efficient and comfortable for your horse to live in. Winners win more with an alkaline body.

Livestock Dairy Trials of Ionized Water
Animals are not subject to the ‘placebo effect’, and can give a clear indication of the benefits of Ionized water. These were large scale dairy trails conducted across a wide range of farms where the animals were given ionized and tap water to see of there would be any noticeable difference to animal health from drinking ionized water.

Ionized Water: Dairy Trials
These large scale dairy trials are clear evidence that Ionized Alkaline Water does provide significant health benefits.Ionized alkaline water was used in place of tap water as the sole source of water for dairy cows.
Results from use of Ionized Alkaline Water on 27 Dairy Farms

  • An increase in milk output by 18% – 28%.
  • Improved the fertility rate and reduced still-births.
  • A notable improvement in the quality of milk.
  • Elimination of strong feces and urine odors.
  • Healthier skin condition.

The results and findings were obtained from 27 dairy farms, along with a report from a group of veterinarians. The source farm and spokesperson of each report is identified at the beginning of the report.

The following measurable conditions were noted:

  1. An increase in milk output by 18% – 28%.
  2. A notable improvement in the quality of milk.
  3. Elimination of strong faeces and urine odours.
  4. Healthier skin condition.
  5. Minimized injury to the udder.
  6. Decrease in diarrhoea cases.
  7. Strengthening of the legs.
  8. Increased appetite.
  9. Able to reduce mineral supplements normally added to the feed.
  10. Due to an improved health condition coupled with stronger legs, the productive life span of the cows was extended.
  11. Improved the fertility rate and reduced still-births.

Aside from the above, the following observations were noted by the veterinarians:

  1. A noticeably increased appetite; no new supplements were added to their diet. Increase in appetite noted in older cows as well.
  2. Food well digested.
  3. A beautiful sheen on the cow’s hair.
  4. Higher fertility rate; higher pregnancy rate.
  5. New-born calves fed with alkaline water matured quicker.
  6. A dramatic increase in milk production.
  7. Improved liver condition.
  8. Strengthened legs.
  9. Minimizing of sicknesses; tremendously improved health condition. Fewer visits by vets.
  10. No adverse conditions noted from consumption of alkaline water.

The following are individual findings noted by each dairy farmer who replaced tap water with alkaline water.

A. Dairy Farm: Kasahara Ranch
Location: Nomura, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. G. Kasahara
1. The milk output increased from 7,000kg to 8,900kg, an increase of 27%.
2. The use of the alkali water instilled a preventive approach to the overall health condition of the dairy cow in lieu of reactive medical means. The overall health condition of the herd improved dramatically.

B. Dairy Farm: Shikawa Ranch
Location: Momembetsu, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. T. Shikawa
1. There was a noticeable improvement in the quality of the milk.
2. Despite the high temperature during the summer months, milk output had increased dramatically. During the previous ummer months, milk output had declined.

C. Dairy Farm: Sudo Ranch
Location: Munetani, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. M. Sudo
NOTE: Unlike other dairy farms, this farmer had discontinued the use of alkali water to measure the effects of returning to normal tap water. The following were the effects noted:
1. The strong odors of the excrement returned after a period of time; (the foul odor had been eliminated through the consumption of alkali water.
2. The sheen that was once present on the cows had disappeared and the hair returned to a lackluster condition.
3. The frequency of diarrhea had increased.
4. Weakness was noticed in the cows legs as opposed to the strengthening of the cows legs during the use of alkali water.

D. Dairy Farm: Takahashi Ranch
Location: Notsuke, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. Takahashi.
1. The sickness rate was considerably reduced.

E. Dairy Farm: Hamanasu Ranch
Location: Mombetsu, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. S. Nakagawa.
1. The coloring of the udder became extremely healthy.
2. Due to the alkali consumption and it’s natural healing ability, the amount of injury to the udder had diminished.
3. The milk output has increased by 800 kg per cow. (NOTE: since there was no “before and after” numbers provided, the percentage increase could not be determined.)

F. Dairy Farm: Karita Ranch
Location: Notsuke, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. H. Karita
1. The results were excellent in every manner. Milk production was considerably higher, the sickness rate was down, problems associated with diarrhea were minimized, the foul odor from the excrement was gone, the cow’s appetite was up, the sheen on the cow’s hair was considerably higher and the overall quality of the milk was up.

G. Dairy Farm: Sunnydale Ranch
Location: Hyotsu, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. M. Danshora
1. In prior years, in an effort to increase milk production, increased feed was given to cows. With the use of alkali water, the need for increased feed was minimized.
2. Despite the pregnancy of the cow, the amount of milk production has not decreased. In prior pregnancies, the amount of milk production had decreased. This was noted in 9 out of 10 cows.
3. The improved health condition of the cows along with the stronger legs have reduced the turnover of cows. This has considerably improved the productive life span of each cow.

H. Dairy Farm: No Name Given
Location: Mombetsu, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. T. Yamaguchi
1. The overall skin condition of each cow had improved dramatically.
2. The foul odors associated with excrements and urine were eliminated with the consumption of alkali water.
3. The farm was able to reduce the amount of mineral supplements that were being added to the diet on account of the alkali water.
4. The newly born calves experienced no diarrhea.<br/p>

I. Dairy Farm: Koizumi Ranch
Location: Kamikawa, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. T. Koizumi
1. The recovery period for cows giving birth had improved noticeably with the consumption of alkali water.
2. The cows have experienced increased appetite.
3. Despite the higher temperature during the summer months, the milk output had increased dramatically.
4. The consumption of alkali water had stabilized the pH factor for each cow

J. Dairy Farm: Honami MBB Ranch
Location: Joro, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. Y. Takigawa
1. There was a remarkable improvement in the quality of milk.
2. The cows increased their water intake which resulted in increased milk production
3. The cows experienced reduced diarrhea.
4. There was a remarkable improvement in the hair and skin texture of every cow.

K. Dairy Farm: Aneshi Ranch
Location: Esachi, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. K. Aneshi
1. Due to the consumption of alkali water and the improved immunity levels, there were fewer injuries to the cow’s udder during the milking process.
2. The milk output had increased from 282 tons to 360 tons or a 28% increase.
3. It was a financially and economically-wise decision to use electrolysis alkali water.

L. Dairy Farm: Royal Farm
Location: Kamikawa, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. T. Sawamoto
1. The milk output had increased from a range of 7,000 to 7,300 kg to a higher output of 9,000 kg or a 28% increase.
2. Due to the unstable water condition, the farm had gone to electrolysis water. This decision ended up being a financially-wise decision.

M. Dairy Farm: Nogyo Kyosai Dairy Association
Location: Kushiro, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. M. Sugiyama
1. The use of alkali water has considerably reduced the number of sick cows and dramatically improved the overall health condition.
2. The farm has not measured all the positive effects brought about by the alkali water but on the other hand have not experienced any negative effects.
3. One noticeable difference was their improved digestion.

N. Dairy Farm: Okura Ranch
Location: Asahi-kawa, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. Y. Okura
1. The alkali water has produced healthier cows. There were no changes to the diet or the environment but the cows became healthier.
2. Increased their monthly sales by $20,000.00 through increased milk output. (NOTE: There were no other comparative numbers provided to determine the actual increase in productivity levels.)

O. Dairy Farm: Aikawa Ranch
Location: Akan, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. M. Aikawa
1. The odors that are normally present in the urine and excrements were dramatically reduced.
2. The birthrate was considerably increased by the increase in fertility rate and the minimizing of stillborn calves.
3. There was a dramatic increase in milk production.
4. This farm is utilized as a model ranch in the use of alkali water.

P. Dairy Farm: Mitani Ranch
Location: Yubari, Hokkaido
Spokesperson: Mr. K. Mitani
1. Experienced 100% fertility and birth rates through artificial insemination.

Q. Dairy Farm: Ueda Ranch
Location: Akan, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. T. Ueda
1. The fortified calcium through the electrolysis water has strengthened the legs of the cows.
2. Due to the dramatically-improved health conditions, the quality of the milk has improved.
3. In the long run, the use of alkali water is a totally economical approach to the dairy industry.

R. Dairy Farm: Yamatani Ranch
Location: Kamikawa, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. M. Yamatani
1. The quality and quantity of the milk has improved considerably.
2. Considerably minimized the sickness rate of each cow.
3. Minimized diarrhea conditions.
4. An overall improvement was noted in every aspect of the dairy cow equating to better economic conditions.

S. Dairy Farm: Yamamoto Ranch
Location: Amashio, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr.M. Yamatani
1. The milk output had increased from 317 tons to 393 tons or an increase of 24.0%
2. The cow became fertile with one month of giving birth.
3. There was a substantial reduction in the number of veterinary visits.
4. There was a noticeable increase in their appetites.

T. Dairy Farm: Saida Ranch
Location: Shirahata, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. K. Saida
1. The milk output had increased from 8,641 kg to 10,177kg, an increase of 17.8%

U. Dairy Farm: Fukagawa Ranch
Location: Joro, Hokkaido     Spokesperson: Mr. E. Fukagawa
1. There was a substantial reduction to the number of veterinary visits.
2. Reduced the swelling rate of the cow’s legs.
3. Reduced the rate of external wounds caused by suction cups.

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