Dr Mercola's Structured Water and Other Pseudoscience -

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Dr Mercola’s Structured Water and Other Pseudoscience

Dr Mercola’s Structured Water and Other Pseudoscience

Back in May of 2010, Dr. Mercola published an article where he states that you should be drinking “living” water. He describes living water as water that is “structured in a way that is not well understood.” In that same article from 2010 he said “hopes to have more information about ‘structured’ water in the future”. Today it’s august 26th, 2015, more than five years later, and Dr. Mercola hasn’t provided any further information about ‘structured’ water – nor will he ever – because there is no such thing as structured water. alkaline-water-according-to-dr-mercola-infographic

Dr. Mercola makes many claims about alkaline water in his article, none of which are backed by science.

Living water and other pseudoscientific nonsense

Living Water – Dr. Masaru Emoto claimed to have found crystal-like formations within liquid water. He claimed that you could influence those crystalline shapes by your thoughts and words. There is one small problem: Nobody has ever been able to reproduce Dr. Emoto’s water crystals, because in liquid form water does not crystallize.

Biophotonics – Dr. Mercola goes on to praise ‘living’ water for it’s biophotonic energy, but the problem is, water doesn’t have any biophotonic energy. Furthermore, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, biophotonics may have future applications in medicine, but there is currently no known use for biophotonics in medicine.

Dr. Mercola feigns concern over alkaline water’s pH. He suggests that alkaline water is useful for detoxing, but worries that drinking water with a pH of over 8 could be harmful over the long term. But the healthiest, longest-lived people in the world – the centenarians of Okinawa – drink water with a pH of 10 every single day of their lives.

Dr. Mercola also discusses alkaline water and it’s potential effects on tumors. He says that the scientific research on it is inconclusive – he’s right. There is not enough scientific evidence to draw conclusions, clinical trials are needed. What Dr. Mercola fails to mention is that there are studies on other health problems such as bone loss that are conclusive.

There are over 40 studies that show health benefits from drinking alkaline water.

The Japanese Ministry of Health certified water ionizers as medical devices back in the 1960’s. Since then, people in Japan have been drinking alkaline water made by a water ionizer for health reasons. Currently, one out of every three Japanese homes has a water ionizer! This means that people have been drinking alkaline water made by a water ionizer for about 50 years. In that half of a century, there have been exactly zero reports of ill effects from alkaline water – and countless reports of alkaline water benefiting health.

Dr. Mercola has made many claims about health publicly. Dr. Mercola’s medical advice is dangerous, It has led to the FDA ordering Dr. Mercola to stop giving medical advice. His medical advice is dangerous and his grasp of science seems woefully inadequate. In short, Dr. Mercola needs to leave science to the scientists.

Want to know how alkaline water can improve your health? Call us at 855 790-8121 and get the facts

Read the full article here: Alkaline Water According to Dr Mercola

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