8 Healthy Living Books -

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8 Healthy Living Books

Introducing the Alkaline Lifestyle – View | Download

In this Introduction to the Alkaline Lifestyle, you’ll learn about this revolutionary new approach to diet, fitness, and weight loss that’s got everyone talking.  Based on a holistic concept of good health, the secrets of the Alkaline Lifestyle will unlock your body’s potential to lose weight, maintain good health, increase your energy and stamina, and get that sparkle back in your eye.   This is your passport to a lifetime journey of health and wellness. The Alkaline Lifestyle can help you: Lose weight, eat a healthier diet, develop stamina, strength and flexibility, increase your energy, improve your appearance, shed stress and anxiety, and nurture your spirit 


Keys to Unlock the Alkaline Mindset – View | Download 

Let your spirit soar! Harness the power of mindfulness to make positive changes and live the alkaline lifestyle. Cultivate a peaceful, centered, calm mindset through mental and spiritual disciplines. Part of the alkaline lifestyle is maintaining an alkaline mental state or a positive mental state that fosters change, encourages creativity, and harnesses the power of positive, centered thinking.  This book will start you on your way to changing your mindset and freeing your spirit. Let your spirit soar!


Getting a Grip on Emotional Eating – View | Download

When we eat to manage emotions we tend  to develop an unbalanced relationship with food. The intention of this guidebook is to help you create more awareness about when and why you eat and to establish healthy eating habits. In my opinion as psychotherapist, when you get a grip on emotional eating, you tend to feel more capable and confident and your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual lives are improved. I know this was true for me in my own journey with food and it is what my clients report back to me as well.

This easy to read guidebook provides practical information to assist you with positive ways to take care of yourself and to establish a mindset that will help you maintain healthy lifestyle habits forever.


Step by Step Guide to the Alkaline Lifestyle – View | Download

The Alkaline Lifestyle has many people intrigued – but what is this new lifestyle? How do you begin to enjoy the Alkaline Lifestyle?  The Step by Step Guide to the Alkaline Lifestyle walks you through each step you need to take to transition to this healthy way of living. The Eight Week Programs helps newcomers to the Alkaline Lifestyle understand the importance of an alkaline diet, identify alkaline and acidic foods, plan meals, create a fitness program, and embrace the mind-body and spiritual connections for total health.  It’s your step by step guide to a new you, a guide that makes the Alkaline Lifestyle easy to understand.  Start your journey today!

Step by Step Guide to the Alkaline Lifestyle Journal & Workbook

View Workbook | Download Workbook

View Journal | Download Journal

Track your journey through the Alkaline Lifestyle using this handy Step by Step Journal and Workbook.  Use it in conjunction with the Step by Step Transitionn Guide, focusing on a different topic each week to achieve the healthy lifestyle you desire. It’s your faithful companion in the alkaline journey to mark your transition from what you were to what you wish to become.


Alkaline Lifestyle Recipe Book – View | Download

At last – delicious, easy alkaline recipes anyone can make.  With these recipes, living the Alkaline Lifestyle is a breeze.  You’ll have at your fingertips recipes to make filling alkaline smoothies, healthy salads and soups, snacks and lunches, and dinners the whole family will enjoy.  With recipes contributed from the entire team at The Alkaline Lifestyle, this is sure to become your quick and easy reference book for alkaline recipes you can prepare at home. 


Alkaline Lifestyle Recipe Book (2nd Edition) – View | Download

Even MORE delicious, easy alkaline recipes anyone can make.  With these recipes, living the Alkaline Lifestyle is a breeze.  You’ll have at your fingertips recipes to make filling alkaline smoothies, healthy salads and soups, snacks and lunches, and dinners the whole family will enjoy.  With recipes contributed from the entire team at The Alkaline Lifestyle, this is sure to become your quick and easy reference book for alkaline recipes you can prepare at home.

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