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Alkaline Water

Alkaline Water Benefits

Alkaline water made by home water ionizers have only been available in the U.S since the 1990’s, and so that has limited the amount of studies that are available in the U.S about alkaline water benefits. Most of the research performed on the benefits of alkaline water has been conducted in Japan by Scientists and Doctors.

Human Studies on the benefits of alkaline water:


Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism.

  • Summary: Study examined people who were determined to get sufficient calcium from their diets to find out if calcium-rich alkaline water could reduce the rate of bone loss. The study compared alkaline water to acidic water to see if alkaline water worked better.
  • Results: In calcium sufficiency, the alkaline water led to a significant decrease of PTH and of S- CTX (two important markers of bone loss). The acidic water with did not reduce bone loss.
  • Limitation: This study used a calcium-rich alkaline water, your tap water may not be calcium rich. However, the reduction of bone loss markers was also shown in the study below which used ordinary tap water treated by a water ionizer to make it alkaline water that was not calcium rich. (Wynn, Krieg, and et al)

The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of electrolyzed water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report.

  • Summary: Study examined four people who drank alkaline water made with a water ionizer for two months. The study examined two markers of bone loss: serum osteocalcin measures bone formation by osteoblasts. N-telopeptides and NTx measures bone resorption (loss) by osteoclasts.
  • Results: The study showed significant reductions in bone loss markers (N-telopeptides and NTx) for all four test subjects There was no significant effect on bone formation (serum osteocalcin)
  • Limitation: This was a small study, only 4 people were examined, no control group was used to compare the effect of consumption of alkaline water to plain water. (Abrabam, Flebas)

Blood Pressure:

“Intake of mineral water among persons with a low urinary excretion of magnesium or calcium may decrease the blood pressures”

  • Summary: A natural alkaline mineral water with a pH of 8.7 was evaluated to see if it reduced blood pressure in people with low magnesium and calcium levels.
  • Results: The results of this study suggest that water borne minerals can contribute to mineral nutrition requirements. Waterborne mineral supplementation may reduce blood pressure in people with calcium and/or magnesium deficiency.
  • Limitation: This study was performed on a small group (20 people) and was short term. Additional studies are needed to confirm the effect of alkaline water on blood pressure. (Rylander, R)

Laboratory Studies of alkaline water

Laboratory studies are performed in-vitro which means in a test tube, Petri dish or other container. The results of in-vitro studies are used by scientists to test theories. If an in-vitro study looks promising, then an in-vivo study, meaning in the body, is conducted to confirm the results.

Antioxidant benefits of alkaline water:

Note: The study this information is based on was conducted in Korea. This means that this study may have been conducted using procedures and regulations that are different than the procedures and regulations that studies in the United States are conducted under.

Electrolyzed-reduced water protects against oxidative damage to DNA, RNA, and protein

  • Summary: Human DNA was subjected to oxidative damage using hydrogen peroxide to simulate the type of damage that free radicals do to DNA in the body.
  • Results: Alkaline water was shown to enhance the antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • This result of this study suggests that alkaline water enhances the antioxidant benefit of vitamin C. This effect would need to be tested in humans to confirm this. (Lee, M)

Studies on the Properties and Real Existence of Aqueous Solution Systems that are assumed to have Antioxidant Activities by the action of “Active Hydrogen”

  • Note: This study was conducted in Japan, so it was also conducted under different regulations and standards than US studies
  • Summary: This study evaluated four alkaline waters that were made by several methods, including a water ionizer, to find out if alkaline water has an antioxidant effect. Researchers in this study observed that molecular hydrogen was found in the test water not active hydrogen.
  • Note: The laws of chemistry clearly show that it is impossible to have “active hydrogen” in water because active hydrogen combines with itself rapidly to form molecular hydrogen.
  • Results: Alkaline water produced by electrolysis was shown to have an antioxidant effect in the laboratory.
  • Limitation: The antioxidant effect of alkaline water in human tissues needs to be tested by further research. (Hiroka, A)

Can alkaline water help you?

Everybody’s body is different, you should consult with your doctor to find out if alkaline water is right for you. The results of these studies have not been evaluated by the FDA so they should not be construed as medical proof.


  • Wynn, E. et al Alkaline mineral water lowers bone resorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism.
  • Rylander, R Mineral water intake reduces blood pressure among subjects with low urinary magnesium and calcium levels. ://
  • Lee, M. Electrolyzed-reduced water protects against oxidative damage to DNA, RNA, and protein
  • Hiraoka, A et al Studies on the Properties and Real Existence of Aqueous Solution
  • Systems that are assumed to have Antioxidant Activities by the action of “Active Hydrogen”
  • The effect of daily consumption of 2 liters of electrolyzed water for 2 months on body composition and several physiological parameters in four obese subjects: a preliminary report. Guy E. Abrabam, Jorge D. Flebas. Original Internist. Sept 2011 v18 i3 p96(9).

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Ong, Y, et al. A Clinical Approach to Medicine
Azoulay, A. Comparison of the Mineral Content of Tap Water and Bottled Waters
Effect of pH on the taste of alkaline electrolyzed water PubMed Central (2007)

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