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Alkaline Water and the pH link to Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Linked to low urine pH

Urine pH correlation to Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms
As urine pH decreases, the number of metabolic syndrome symptoms increase

Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of modern day physiological screw-ups, it is considered to be a factor in obesity,  hypertension and  kidney stones.

A large, recently completed study has documented an important new finding in the fight against metabolic syndrome – sufferers also have low urinary pH. People with low urine pH often have higher amounts of calcium in their urine, which significantly increases their risk of developing kidney stones.

The above chart shows clearly that as urine pH gets lower, the number of metabolic syndrome symptoms increases. People with very low urine pH have a higher risk of obesity, kidney stones, and other problems. [3]

Other studies have also shown that low urinary pH levels are associated with a higher Body Mass Index (BMI), the standard medical measure used to determine if a person is obese. The reason that low urinary pH is associated with obesity is not fully understood, and studies are ongoing.

Low Urinary pH is a Symptom of Metabolic Acidosis

Medical experts have long associated low urinary pH with metabolic acidosis, a condition in which the body has to tax its vital resources in order to compensate for excess acidity in the diet. One of the ways the body protects itself from metabolic acidosis is to rid itself of excess acid through the kidneys. Because of this, one of the symptoms of metabolic acidosis that doctors look for is low urinary pH.

Metabolic acidosis carries many of the same health risks as metabolic syndrome; obesity, high blood pressure and high blood sugar counts are commonly seen in both diseases. While the two diseases have yet to be linked by medical science, the common factor in both diseases of low urinary pH suggests that more research should be done.

Study Shows Alkaline Water raises Urine pH

Studies done on alkaline water show that it raises urine pH, and some medical experts consider it to be an effective way to counter the effects of metabolic acidosis. A study published in 2010 compared the urine pH of people given alkaline water to a control group that drank water that had close to a neutral pH.

Testing showed that the group that drank alkaline water had higher blood and urine pH levels than the group that drank the pH neutral water. The group that drank alkaline water saw an average increase in their urinary pH from 7.52 – 7.69, an increase of .17 pH. Because the pH scale is logarithmic, the .17 pH change means drinking alkaline water made the test subjects urine pH 1.7 times more alkaline [1]

Benefits of  Raising Urine pH

Based on the chart above, a urine has a pH of above 6.1 pH is associated with zero symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Thus a person who can raise their urinary pH may be able to prevent the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Research shows that low urinary pH is associated with a higher risk of forming kidney stones, thus increasing the urinary pH may help prevent kidney stones. Kidney stones are calcium deposits in the kidneys, which are believed to form because of excessive excretion of calcium in the urine. [1]

People with higher urine pH may also be better hydrated. The study quoted above that showed that drinking alkaline water increases urine pH also showed that alkaline water drinkers appear to retain more of the water they drank than people who drink water with a neutral or acidic pH. [2]

How to test urine pH

The best way to find out if it is working is to test your urine pH before you start drinking alkaline water, and then keep testing after you start drinking alkaline water and compare the results. The best time to test your urine is when you get up in the morning.

Keep in mind your urine pH level will vary from day to day. The best way to track your progress is to compare your average urine pH level from week to week. You will know that alkaline water is raising your urine pH if you see your average urinary pH gradually rise from where it started.

Has the FDA evaluated alkaline water for treatment of metabolic syndrome?

No. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  The preceding information and/or products are for educational purposes only and are not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. Please consult your doctor before making any changes or before starting ANY exercise or nutritional supplement program or before using this information or any product during pregnancy or if you have a serious medical condition.


[1] Kilgore, Christine. “Kidney Stones Linked to CVD, Metabolic Syndrome.” Internal Medicine News. Internal Medicine News, 10 Aug 2011. Web. 9 Jul 2013. <[tt_news]=62138&cHash=86edab9dbe>.

[2]Heil, P, and J Seifert. “Influence of bottled water on rehydration following a dehydrating bout of cycling exercise..” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition  Springerlink. n. page. Print. <>.

[3] Maalouf, N, M Cameron, and et al. “Low Urine pH: A Novel Feature of the Metabolic Syndrome.” Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. American Society of Nephrology, 29 May 2007. Web. 9 Jul 2013. <>.

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