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Proposed Budget Cuts Threaten Drinking Water Safety

Budget cuts proposed by congressional committees in the House of Representatives are expected to strip nearly a billion dollars from EPA programs that provide low interest loans to water authorities seeking to repair or upgrade water facilities. Public health officials expect the cuts to be devastating, they will expose millions of Americans to contamination that will sicken many people and contribute to cancer and other public health problems. The funny thing is, the proposed budget cuts are not expected to save the Federal Government any money! Both programs being cut primarily make loans to municipalities which are later repaid.

EPA Administrator Warns of Dire Consequences

In testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, EPA administrator Lisa Jackson discussed the impact on public safety the deep cuts proposed by GOP lawmakers will have. Jackson says the cuts will prevent the EPA from implementing or enforcing clean water laws. She pointed out that reductions in enforcement activity have always resulted in large polluters flouting legal restrictions in an effort to increase profits.

Jackson says that the cuts will stop projects currently underway that are needed to upgrade crumbling infrastructure. Efforts to prevent groundwater supplies from being contaminated by highly destructive activities such as hydraulic fracking will also be terminated. Fracking is a highly controversial method we reported on earlier used to extract natural gas which can even make your tap water flammable!

The impact on public health will be devastating, Jackson states: “The result would be more asthma attacks, more missed school and work days, more heart attacks, more cancer cases, more premature deaths, and more polluted waters.”

Home Filtration is Your only Hope

Most people already know that their tap water is unsafe; Americans spend about 6 billion dollars a year on bottled water. Unfortunately, bottled water can’t protect you, toxins commonly found in tap water are also absorbed through the skin, and dissolved gasses like chloramines can quickly make the air in a home toxic. Meanwhile, Congress is making it very clear that you are on your own in the face of increasing pollution threats.

Homeowners can opt for whole home filtration, which is installed on the home’s water supply and prevents toxins from entering the home. Renters may wish to consider shower filters, countertop drinking water systems, and other portable methods of water filtration that can easily be taken with you when you move.

Whichever method of filtration you choose, Life Ionizers has technologically advanced filtration systems to fit your needs. Life’s Charged Modified Composite Blend® Filter media incorporates NASA technology and is ETR Labs® certified to be effective against a wider range of pollutants than any other filter media. Conventional filters require specialized “layers” of filter media, one for each type of pollutant to be filtered. The problem with having so many layers in a filter is that each layer has to be so thin that it isn’t very effective. Filters with Life’s Charged Modified Composite Blend® require no layers because the filter media itself has an electrostatic charge to attract and trap pollutants. This makes Life filtration the most effective protection money can buy!

Worried about what’s in your water? Click here for a free water report

This article should not be relied on to determine if toxins are in your water.
Call us at 877-959-7977 for a free evaluation of your local water quality report to see if you may
be risk for toxins in your water supply.
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