Fake business addresses are a common scam used by companies that want to flood the market with cheap products, and then disappear. It’s easy to get an “address” from a postal business like UPS, or to rent a tiny office in some building somewhere, and then promote yourself as a legitimate company. This is especially true of the companies that sell cheap Chinese- or Taiwanese-made water ionizers. One such company that does this is called Real Spirit USA, they sell a cheap water ionizer that doesn’t work called the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe.

How to protect yourself: Always check company addresses with Google Maps. If you find that the company is using a postal box, or has doctored an image of the building that they occupy, don’t do business with that company! Just think: What else are they trying to hide?
Cheap water ionizers cut costs by endangering your health
Poisonous plates: Water ionizer plates must be coated with platinum for your protection. The reason platinum is used is that it is a noble metal – a metal that won’t chemically react with other substances. Platinum adds a lot to the cost of an ionizer, it costs over $1,700 an ounce! In fact, the platinum coating on the plates of the water ionizer makes up the majority of the cost of making that ionizer.
Because platinum is so expensive, it’s a tempting corner to cut for cheap ionizer manufacturers. In fact, the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe has no platinum coating on the plates at all – even though they advertise that they use Platinum! This means that owners of the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe are drinking tiny amounts of titanium oxide in their water in every glass. Titanium oxide can build up in the cell tissues. You may save a little money, but you’ll wind up with an ionizer that not only doesn’t work, but may actually cause health issues!
Cheating with Alkaline Additives
Some cheap water ionizers don’t work at all because they don’t have enough power to actually ionize water. These ionizers make you think they are working by adding some substance to your water, which raises it’s pH, making the water you’re drinking artificially alkaline.
There’s nothing wrong with adding an alkalizer to water to raise its pH, in fact, that’s how alkaline water pitchers work. But the fact is, you can buy a Pitcher of Life for about $50, and it will raise the pH of your water to a range of 8.5 to 9.5 and give it some antioxidant potential. In fact, the $50 Pitcher of Life outperforms the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe for both pH and antioxidant levels – because the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe doesn’t work at all! It only has 45 Watts of power – not enough to ionize water. Testing done on the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe showed that – if you remove the machine’s filter – it doesn’t have any effect at all on the water going through it!
Lead found in cheap water ionizers
China has a serious problem with lead, thousands of Chinese-made products test positive for lead contamination, and water ionizers made there is no exception. Water from the Aqua Ionizer Deluxe tested positive for lead according to an analysis done by ETR Independent Labs – an EPA certified water testing lab. The test results showed the level of lead far exceeded the EPA standards.
The Aqua Ionizer Deluxe is the best example of why you should avoid cheap ionizers. Overall, it has five serious problems:
- Faked business address
- No platinum coating on the plates
- Not enough power – doesn’t work
- Adds unknown substance to water to raise the pH
- Lead contamination found in independent lab testing
Smart shopping tips for avoiding cheap water ionizer scams
Cheap water ionizer scams are easy to avoid if you use common sense. Buy only from an established major brand like Life Ionizers. Expect that buying a water ionizer is going to be an investment in your health, you simply aren’t going to find a trustworthy water ionizer for less than $1,000. All quality ionizers are built in Japan or Korea, don’t buy ionizers made in Taiwan or China. Lastly, check out the company, use Google Maps to see if their address is a legitimate business address, or something else. Many of these distributors are operating out of their garages and who knows how long they will be around to support your warranty and supply you with filters?
Tips for avoiding cheap water ionizer scams:
- Buy only from established major brands
- Avoid ionizers sold for less than $1,000
- Only buy ionizers made in Japan or Korea
- Check out the company address before you buy