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Does Alkaline Water Lower Blood Pressure?

There are two ways that alkaline water could help lower your blood pressure. If you are mineral deficient,

Alkaline water can help reduce blood pressure in two ways

that can cause higher blood pressure. Mineral-rich alkaline water has been shown to improve mineral uptake even in people who have a hard time absorbing minerals. That can lead to lower blood pressure. The second way alkaline water can help lower blood pressure is by improved hydration. Alkaline water hydrates better than regular water and that can lower blood viscosity if you are dehydrated.

The deadly epidemic of mineral deficiency

The leading cause of death in the US today is a heart attack. When a person has a heart attack, the first thing that doctors or paramedics do is give them an injection of magnesium. Why magnesium? Because many people who have heart attacks are deficient in magnesium. The injection has an almost immediate effect on their blood pressure and the rhythm of their heartbeat. Once the person is given adequate magnesium, their health quickly stabilizes.

How come there are so many people deficient in magnesium? For a long time, it was believed that if you got adequate amounts of magnesium in your diet, you were fine. But research done by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the early 2000s came to a startling conclusion: To maintain healthy levels of magnesium in your body, you need to get 10 – 20% of your daily needs for magnesium from the water you drink!

How come you need magnesium from water? Because your body absorbs minerals from water 30 times faster and easier than it does from food or supplements. A water ionizer converts that magnesium bicarbonate in tap water (which can be hard to absorb) into magnesium hydroxide, which is easy to absorb. The FDA recognizes magnesium hydroxide as a nutrient that provides useful magnesium to the body.

A glass of alkaline water before bed could save your life

A glass of alkaline water a half hour before bed could prevent a heart attack or stroke. Your body loses water while you sleep. If you become dehydrated, then your blood gets thicker which makes it harder to pump. That can result in a life-ending heart attack or stroke.

Alkaline water hydrates faster and better than plain water. Once hydrated with alkaline water, the body retains it easier. This means that as you sleep, you’ll have an extra hydration cushion between you and life-threatening dehydration. It’s so simple to do, just drink an 8-ounce glass of alkaline water a half hour before bed, and you’re set.

How much alkaline water you should drink for better health

For better health, one glass of alkaline water per day won’t do. You’ll need to drink between 2 -3  liters per day, depending on your body weight, to drink enough alkaline water for health purposes. If you tried to drink 2 – 3 liters per day of bottled alkaline water, it will get expensive quickly. A water ionizer is a much more economical choice. Life Ionizers can finance a water ionizer for less per month than you’d pay for a month’s supply of bottled alkaline water. And the ionized alkaline water made by a water ionizer is superior to bottled alkaline water because it has antioxidant potential which also has health benefits. The antioxidant potential of ionized alkaline water could help lower cholesterol levels, and may even protect your brain from the oxidation that is part of Alzheimer’s and dementia. The bottled alkaline water you see in stores doesn’t do that!

Need to know if alkaline water could benefit your health? Call us at 877-959-7977 for a free no obligation consultation with an alkaline health expert


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