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Hydrogen-Rich Water: A Potential Tool to Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease.

Hydrogen-Rich Water: A Potential Tool to Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease.

Progressive neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), has become more prevalent in the aging population. The disease leaves those affected with loss of cognitive function and memory decline. At this time there is no cure, so researchers and caregivers have been looking for treatments. Hydrogen-rich water (HRW) has been recently show to be a possible promising therapy.

In this article, the potential benefits of hydrogen-rich alkaline water for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia will be discussed along with the scientific evidence from both animal studies and human trials.

The Potential of Alkaline, Hydrogen-Rich Water: The Science 

hydrogen-rich, alkaline water for brain health

The molecular hydrogen (H₂) in hydrogen-rich water acts as a selective antioxidant so it neutralizes harmful free radicals without affecting healthy cells in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons. This excessive production that is produced can damage cellular components, which is a contributing to wide range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s and dementia.

When ingested, the tiny hydrogen molecules in alkaline, hydrogen water HRW can reach the brain and exert their antioxidant effects, potentially mitigating the damage caused by free radicals in Alzheimer’s patients.

Below are some of the scientific studies that provide evidence supporting the benefits :

  • Animal Studies: Encouraging results have shown the benefits of alkaline, hydrogen water on animal models. Mice who consumed alkaline, hydrogen water  improve cognitive function, protect brain cells from damage and death, and even reduce the formation of amyloid plaques and tau tangles, the protein clumps characteristic of Alzheimer’s brains [1]. Hydrogen, alkaline water also reduces inflammation in the brain, another factor seen in the progression of Alzheimer’s [2].
  • Human Trials: Improved cognitive function is seen in individuals with MCI who carry the apolipoprotein E (APOE4) gene, a known risk factor for for Alzheimer’s [5]. This study observed improved cognitive function in individuals with MCI who carry the apolipoprotein E (APOE4) gene, a known risk factor for AD [5].

With these studies and more, hydrogen-rich alkaline water has been shown to have neuroprotective effects, particularly for individuals with a genetic predisposition for Alzheimer’s. 

What’s Next? Research and Responsible Exploration.

Recent research on hydrogen, alkaline water for Alzheimer’s disease is growing, and developments in the near future:

  • More Clinical Trials: Professional, well-designed, wide-reaching clinical trials are planned to continue research into the efficacy of hydrogen, alkaline water in combating Alzheimer’s disease progression and improve cognitive function in patients.
  • Individualized Treatment Plans: Personalized approaches to tailor based on factors like genetics and disease severity.
  • Individual Combination Therapy Plans: Using a combination of hydrogen-rich, alkaline water along  with existing Alzheimer’s disease medications could be offer a more comprehensive therapy to combat the disease.
  • Education: Educating the public about the potential benefits of hydrogen, alkaline water against Alzheimer’s disease is essential. The treatment and cure to this complex disease will not be easy but progress is being seen.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before considering HRW as a potential complementary therapy for Alzheimer’s disease.

The potential of HRW for mitigating the effects of Alzheimer’s disease offers a beacon of hope in the ongoing fight against this devastating condition. Early research is promising, and ongoing clinical trials and exploration hold immense potential for developing HRW as a valuable tool in managing Alzheimer’s disease.  

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