How Ionized Water can Prevent Food Borne Illness

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How Ionized Water can Prevent Food Borne Illness

Ionized Acidic Water Rinse for Food Effective against E-Coli, Salmonella, Listeria

Ionized water has been proven by numerous studies to be an effective means of destroying many common bacteria that cause food borne illness. Tests on vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, strawberries show that bacteria such as salmonella, e-coli, and listeria are effectively neutralized by rinsing food with it.

Electrolyzed Oxidizing Ionized Water

Chemists call the ionized acidic water used to neutralize bacteria on food Electrolyzed Oxidizing (EO) water. The water is prepared by ionizing it with a small amount of salt solution. EO water has a low pH, and it has a high Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) which makes it an acid. The salt added to the EO water increases its anti-bacterial power by enhancing ionization. It then forms a small amount of a powerful biocide called hypochlorous acid.

How Effective is Ionized Acidic Water against Bacteria?

Research done using a variety of produce shows that ionized water can be very effective against bacteria. Tests show that an ionized water rinse can reduce bacteria counts to below detectable levels. Much of the harmful bacteria that causes food borne illnesses grows on the surface of the food. This is why an ionized water rinse is so effective.

Ionized acidic water is also effective for neutralizing bacteria on food preparation surfaces like counters and cutting boards. Many hospitals, hotels, and restaurants now use ionized water to clean their kitchens. They do this to protect their patrons from disease. Businesses are rapidly embracing ionized water for its proven antimicrobial effects. Ionized water is now seen by many as safer than products like bleach, and just as effective. For businesses, it is also a very economical and eco-friendly alternative to chemical disinfectants.

How do I use Ionized Water to Rinse Food?

You need an ionizer that is designed to produce strong EO ionized acidic water using a salt additive. The water should have a low pH (4.5 pH or less) and have high ORP (+600 or higher). All of the research reviewed for this article soaked food in ionized water for 10 minutes:

To use Ionized Water for food preparation:

  • Ionize the water using a salt additive
  • Make sure pH is lower than 4.5
  • Make sure ORP is 600 or higher
  • Soak food for 10 minutes

How can I make Ionized Acidic Water?

The best way to make ionized water for food preparation is to use an ionizer that is designed to make strong ionized water such as the Life Ionizers® 3000.

The Life 3000 is a batch ionizer – it makes water one batch at a time. It is your best choice for making strong water because it allows you to adjust the ionization time so you can make water as strong as you want. Rinsing food with this kind of water does not change the flavor of food, or leave any kind of aftertaste.

Is Ionized Water Guaranteed to Kill Bacteria?

Currently, other than high temperature autoclaving which is used for sterilizing surgical instruments, there are no sanitation methods that are guaranteed to kill all bacteria.  Noteably, research has shown that ionized acidic water is effective for making food safer. Rinsing with plain tap water does not reduce bacteria.

Ionized acidic water is the only method of home food preparation that has been scientifically proven to be effective against bacteria like e-coli and listeria. In conclusion, an ionized acidic water rinse is a simple yet effective step you can take to make your food safer for you and your family.

Need more information? Call our ionized water experts today at: 877-959-7977


Udompijitkul, P, MA Daeschel, and Y Zhao. “Antimicrobial Effect of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water against Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes on Fresh Strawberries (Fragaria×ananassa).” Wiley Online Library. Journal of Food Science, 17 Oct 2007. Web. 9 Jul 2013. <>.

Wang, Hua, Hao Feng, and Luo Yaguang. “Microbial reduction and storage quality of fresh-cut cilantro washed with acidic electrolyzed water and aqueous ozone.” Science Direct. Food Research International, 30 Jul 2004. Web. 9 Jul 2013. <>.

Chyer, Kim, Yen-Con Hung, and Robert Brackett. “Efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) and chemically modified water on different types of foodborne pathogens.” Science Direct. Elsevier, 1 Nov 2000. Web. 9 Jul 2013. <>.

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