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Is Ionized Alkaline Water and Alkaline Water the same thing?

Is Ionized Alkaline Water and Alkaline Water the same thing & Why?


No. Ionized alkaline water has antioxidant potential, regular alkaline water does not. You may already have

Is Ionized Alkaline Water and Alkaline Water the same thing
Ionized alkaline water isn’t the same as plain alkaline water. It has age-fighting antioxidant potential

alkaline water flowing straight from your tap. Any water with a pH of greater than 7 has an alkaline pH. But that water won’t have the health benefits of ionized alkaline water because it lacks antioxidant potential, and it isn’t alkaline enough to counteract acidity in the body.

The Chemical Difference between Ionized and Alkaline water

Alkalinity: Plain alkaline water, similar to bottled alkaline water and the water that comes out of your tap, gets its alkalinity from calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate. These are the mineral salts that make your water hard, they are responsible for the white scale that clogs plumbing and appliances. They are also mildly alkaline. What separates a mild alkali from a strong alkali is the amount of acidity that they can counteract. Mild alkalis can only counteract a small amount of acidity. Strong alkalis can counteract more.

Ionized alkaline water gets its alkalinity from calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. These hydroxide alkalis are much stronger than the carbonate alkalis they replace. They are the reason ionized alkaline water can counteract acidity in your body, and raise your urine pH. The calcium and magnesium hydroxide in ionized alkaline water get there because of the ionization process used by a water ionizer. The machine splits that magnesium and calcium away from the carbonate in your tap water. After that, a separate reaction takes place where the calcium and magnesium grab hydroxyl ions from water molecules. This separate reaction makes the calcium and magnesium into calcium and magnesium hydroxides.

How Ionized Alkaline Water’s Alkalinity can benefit your Health

In a normally healthy body, excess acidity is neutralized by buffering systems in the body. But as you age, the body’s ability to safely neutralize that acidity declines. When that happens, the body has to fall back on the alkaline minerals that it used to build your bones. It dissolves those minerals, and buffers the acidity – but that leads to weak and brittle bones.

Another problem is that as your body’s acid-buffering ability declines, your kidneys can become overwhelmed by acidity – they simply can’t get rid of it all. When that happens, your body may end up in a state of low-grade chronic acidity called metabolic acidosis. If left unchecked, chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis may lead to a much more serious condition called metabolic syndrome. The symptoms of which are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Morbid obesity
  • High blood sugar
  • Kidney stones
  • High blood cholesterol


These symptoms occur because your vital organs are slowly shutting down as acidity destroys them. In essence, you are being eaten alive, from the inside, by acid.

Alkalinity to the rescue! When you drink a glass of ionized alkaline water, it raises your urine pH in about 20 minutes to a half hour. You can even test this for yourself with pH test strips. This shows that the ionized alkaline water has taken some of the acid load off your kidneys. It shoulders part of the burden of acidity in your body, which protects your bones from having to give up their precious stores of calcium and magnesium. You can ask any doctor, it’s much easier to keep the healthy bone you’ve got than it is to rebuild weak and brittle bones.

Relief from GERD, Mild Digestive Upset

Clinical testing done in Japan showed that 88% of people with mild digestive upset found full or partial relief just from drinking ionized alkaline water alone. Other research has shown that ionized alkaline water permanently neutralizes pepsin – the stomach enzyme that triggers the painful burning and damage of GERD. Both chronic digestive upset and GERD are symptoms of metabolic acidosis. They are a call for help from a body drowning in acidity, and the help the body is crying out for is alkalinity!

Why ionized alkaline water has antioxidant potential and plain alkaline water doesn’t

Ionized alkaline water get’s its antioxidant potential from the electron-charge that the ionization process pushes into the water when ionizing it. The electron-charge of the water can be measured with a device known as an ORP meter, it measures the electron charge in millivolts. The higher the negative charge, the more antioxidant potential there is in the water. For example, a Life Ionizer M-13 can an electron-charge of up to -900 millivolts into a glass of ionized alkaline water, that’s nearly a full volt of power! That amount of power gives the ionized alkaline water made by the Life M-13 immense antioxidant potential.

Why an Electron Charge gives Ionized Alkaline Water Antioxidant potential

Oxidation: To understand why an electron charge can act as an antioxidant in the body, you first have to understand how oxidants cause harm in the body and accelerate aging. In the body, there are two main types of oxidants – Free Radicals and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). These oxidants damage and destroy tissues and DNA in your body by stripping them of electrons, so the oxidant can reach a neutral charge state. Oxidants lack electrons, and that makes them chemically unstable. It is a fact of physics that if a substance lacks electrons, it will try to grab them from anything else around it. When an oxidant succeeds in grabbing electrons from tissues or DNA, they become oxidized, which destroys them, just like when the iron is oxidized, it turns into rust. So oxidants in your body basically act to rust out your insides. That rusting then contributes to premature aging, and it’s a factor in the development of degenerative diseases.

Antioxidants, such as ionized alkaline water, have excess electrons, thanks to their negative electron charge. Because of that electron charge, they are just as eager to give up their electrons as oxidants are to take them. So an antioxidant protects your tissues and DNA from oxidation by giving up their electrons, thereby neutralizing both the oxidant and the antioxidant. As a result, your tissues and DNA are spared oxidative damage.

Why a Life water ionizer is the best source of ionized alkaline water

To get the most benefit from ionized alkaline water, you want both strong acid-fighting alkalinity and high antioxidant potential. You also want that water to be clean, free of harmful chemicals that come from plastic bottles like BPA and antimony. There’s only one source of ionized alkaline water that meets all three of those healthy requirements: A Life water ionizer.

Purity: A Life Ionizer comes with custom configured filtration. We customize it based on what we can find out about your local water quality by reviewing your local water quality report, and by keeping an eye on news reports about water pollution. Those two sources together give us a complete picture possible of what unhealthy toxins may be in your water. We then customize your filtration to protect you from them. Life Ionizers is the only water ionizer company that does this for you – completely free of charge.

Alkalinity: To change the weak mineral bicarbonates in your tap water into acid-fighting mineral hydroxides, you need a lot of power. A water ionizer has to overcome the charge that holds calcium and magnesium together with the bicarbonate in tap water if it is to separate them. This is why the top of the line Life Ionizers come with a lot of power. Life also offers optional GRID plates that increase the amount of power available to separate the minerals from the bicarbonates by using a principle called edge-conductivity: It’s easier for electricity to travel on an edge rather than a flat surface. GRID plates are tough, designed to last a lifetime and maximize the potential of your Life Ionizer.

Antioxidant potential: High power and advanced plate designs like GRID plates work together to maximize the transfer of electrons into the water. This results in the highest possible electron charge that the water could carry. Bottom line, you get more age fighting the antioxidant power in every glass you drink! Learn More


Take back your health with acid fighting alkalinity and age-fighting antioxidant power. Call us at 877-959-7977 and find out how easy it is to put healthy ionized alkaline water in your home.




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