110 Million Americans are slowly being poisoned by the water they drink, cook, and bathe in.

That’s the conclusion reached in a report on Perfluoroalkyls: PFAS and PFOA in tap water that was suppressed by the White House as a “public relations nightmare. These chemicals are used to coat non-stick cookware and other uses. The report, released by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), found out that the levels of exposure considered safe by the EPA are way too high. The report shows that exposure to PFAS and PFOA that was previously considered safe is actually high enough to be carcinogenic.
The Health Risks of PFAS and PFOA
The International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded in a 2017 study that the levels of PFOA in tap water supplies for up to 110 million Americans are “probably carcinogenic”. Furthermore, PFAS and PFOA exposure has also been linked to these health problems, many of which Americans are suffering from at epidemic levels:
- Increased cholesterol levels
- Thyroid disease
- Asthma
- Decreased fertility
- Reduced birth weight
You could be being poisoned by PFAS and PFOA right now
Millions of Americans currently suffer from one or more of the above diseases. Scientists have for years struggled to explain why there are record high levels of asthma, high cholesterol levels, and decreased fertility being observed in the general population
Asthma: PFAS and PFOA contamination may be responsible for the record high levels of asthma currently being seen in American adults and children. Currently, about 25 million American adults and children suffer from asthma.
Cholesterol: Currently, about 78 million Americans have cholesterol levels that are higher than 240 mg/dL. That’s the level that is considered to be high risk by the Centers for Disease Control. Cholesterol levels are dropping among the US population, but that is attributed to improvements in food safety that have happened in the last decade.
Thyroid disease: Roughly 20 million Americans have thyroid disease, and many of them are not aware they have it. One of the main symptoms of thyroid disease is the inability to lose weight. Women are affected at far higher rates than men. Women are five to eight times more likely to suffer from thyroid problems. One woman in eight will develop thyroid disease in her lifetime. If you struggle to lose weight, talk to your doctor about having your thyroid checked out.
Decreased fertility: The US birthrate has been falling for the last 30 years. The general fertility rate sank to a record low of 60.2 births per 1,000 reproductive age women. The US birthrate has been in decline since the 1970s, roughly 15 years after non-stick cookware was first sold in the US.
Reduced birth weight: Rates of low birth weight have generally held steady over the last 30 years, and that’s potentially a problem. Significant advances in the quality of prenatal care should have resulted in lower rates of reduced birth weight, but they haven’t.
Could these health epidemics be caused by PFAS and PFOA? These chemicals clearly can be a factor in these health epidemics, but it’s important to remember that we are exposed to a wide range of toxic chemicals that can also be a factor in these health problems. If you have any of the listed health problems, it’s a good idea to find out if your water is affected by PFAS and PFOA. You can find out on your own using the link to the EWG’s Tap Water Database below, or you can call Life Ionizers at 877 959-7977 and we’ll find out for you
All new Life Ionizers come with a free report on what’s in your water AND free custom filtration to protect you from those chemicals. Call us at 877 959-7977
Where PFAS and PFOA contamination is found
According to a report on PFAS and PFOA contamination, the following states have water supplies that have levels of PFAS and PFOA that exceed safe levels:
State and number of water sources found to be contaminated
Massachusetts 36 | Tennessee 19 | Texas 10 | Kansas 1 |
New Jersey 31 | Kentucky 18 | North Carolina 9 | Virginia 1 |
Alabama 28 | Pennsylvania 14 | Georgia 5 | West Virginia 1 |
California 21 | Florida 11 | Arizona 4 | Oregon 1 |
South Carolina 19 | Indiana 10 | New York 2 | Nevada 1 |
Are you at risk for PFAS and PFOA poisoning? What you should do
Find out if PFAS and PFOA are in your tap water: You can find out what chemicals have been found in your local water supply by visiting the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) EWG’s Tap Water Database Simply enter your zip code and follow instructions.
Life Ionizers can find out for you. Simply call us at 877 959-7977 for a free water quality consultation. Our water experts will search all available water contamination resources, and tell you right over the phone if you are at risk.
Filters that remove PFAS and PFOA
PFAS and PFOA are readily absorbed through the skin as well as through drinking water. Because of that, the only solution is Whole Home Filtration. Carbon block filtration is highly effective against PFAS and PFOA. Life ionizers have a number of whole-home systems that employ carbon block technology that will protect you against PFAS and PFOA.
Has your health already been affected by PFAS and PFOA? Alkaline water may help
Alkaline water has been shown to help with some health problems that are linked to PFAS and PFOA exposure. Additionally, a Life water ionizer comes with comprehensive filtration that protects you from PFAS and PFOA as well as hundreds of other toxic chemicals. If you live with a water supply contaminated with PFAS and PFOA, and suffer from health problems, a water ionizer may help you in two ways: The alkaline water made by the machine could help improve your health, and the machines’ filters will protect you from dangerous chemicals that may be lurking in your water. At a minimum, you should check to see if your water supply is contaminated with these dangerous chemicals
Find out if your water is safe to drink, cook, and bathe in. Call us today at 877 959-7977 for a free water quality report
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2018. Toxicological profile for
Perfluoroalkyls. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. Web. 22 June 2018 https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp.asp?id=1117&tid=237
Joseph Triplett
Is there a way or program to help low income folks to afford to buy an ionizer for less money ??
Life Ionizers Admin
Yes! We have demo models, scratch-n-dent, and older models all available at discount prices with full warranties. We also have great financing. Call us at 877 959-7977 and ask to speak with Thai