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Water Ionizer SMPS and UV Light Technology Explained

SMPS & UV Light Technology

Why a Switched-Mode Power Supply (SMPS)?

LIFE Ionizers™ are powered by the most advanced power supply available today—the same kind of power supply used to preserve the longevity of delicate electronic equipment such as HDTV. This advanced system is known as switched-mode power supply (SMPS). Unlike a standard power transformer, SMPS regulates voltage by turning the flow of electricity on and off at an extremely fast rate. With a standard transformer, the power is always flowing. When it flows too high, it is absorbed by a “pass” power transistor. A SMPS regulator rapidly switches a power transistor between saturation (full on) and cut off (completely off). The flow of electricity is an average between full on and completely off. As a result, the power transistor does not have to dissipate excess power. Since the power supply is at “full off” about half the time, an SMPS consumes much less power and generates less heat than a traditional transformer does. The steady supply also causes less wear and tear on delicate electronic components. As a result, your LIFE Ionizer™  lasts longer and uses less power than competing equipment.

UV Light Technology™

UV (ultraviolet) light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can kill viruses and bacteria, providing an additional layer of protection for your water. Ultraviolet disinfection of water is a chemical-free process that utilizes radiation to inactivate microorganisms. The radiation destroys the genetic information contained in the DNA, so the bacteria lose their reproductive capability and are destroyed. Even parasites resistant to chemical disinfectants, such as Cryptosporidia or Giardia, are efficiently reduced by UV light.

LIFE Ionizers™ are the only ionizers available that offer UV Light Technology™. To ensure the maximum number of microorganisms are destroyed, we pass the water through a 9-stage filtration process before exposing it to UV light. This filtration removes large particles from the water, maximizing light transmittance through the water, increasing the UV dose, and ensuring that microorganisms are not shielded from the radiation. Filtration also ensures that the light source stays clear and strong. In fact, we guarantee our LIFE Ionizers™ with UV Light Technology™ will deliver UV light in doses high enough to effectively purify your water for a full five years.

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