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Association of Alkaline Water Ionizer Apparatus: Water clusters not based on fact

Leo McDevitt |

Association of Alkaline Water Ionizer Apparatus: Water clusters (also known as restructured microclustered water) not based on fact

The Association of Alkaline Water Ionizer Apparatus (AAWIA) is based in Japan, it is the organization that did the research on the health benefits of alkaline water which led to water ionizers being recognized by the Japan Ministry of Health as medical devices.

[caption id="attachment_6914" align="alignright" width="357"]Association of Alkaline Water Ionizer Apparatus: Water clusters not based on fact The AAIWA performed breakthrough research in the 60's on the benefits of alkaline water[/caption]

Research done by the AAWIA is quoted by the many companies that sell water ionizers as proof of the health benefits that come from drinking alkaline water. Life Ionizers has relied on research performed by the AAWIA for information about the benefits of alkaline water for stomach health and bone health, as have many water ionizer companies. But be careful, the AAWIA says that the claims made by some companies that alkaline water hydrates better because it has smaller clusters aren’t based on fact.

Why Alkaline Water Hydrates Better than Plain water

Research shows that alkaline water hydrates better than plain water. The reason that alkaline water hydrates better than plain water actually has nothing to do with the size of the water molecules! What makes alkaline water more hydrating is the mineral hydrates in it.

Water ionizers convert the mineral carbonates found in tap water into mineral hydrates. The two most common mineral hydrates found in alkaline water are calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. These mineral hydrates reduce the surface tension of water, and when you reduce the surface tension of water, you make it easier to absorb.

You can actually compare the surface tension of alkaline water to plain water with a simple chemistry experiment called The Penny Test. You simply put a drop of water onto a penny-counting the drops - until the water overflows the penny. If you compare plain water to alkaline water, you will always be able to put more drops of plain water on the penny then you can alkaline water. Alkaline water overflows the penny sooner because surface tension is what keeps the water on the penny. Since alkaline water has lower surface tension than plain water, alkaline water overflows the penny sooner.

There is no scientific data that can conclusively state “water clusters become smaller”

Some water ionizers companies claim that the reason alkaline water hydrates better is that alkaline water molecules are broken into smaller clusters. But the Association of Alkaline Water Ionizer Apparatus says that is not true. The AAWIA issued a statement debunking claims that alkaline water is microclustered: According to the Association of Alkaline Water Ionizer Apparatus website:

What is a cluster? Does alkaline ionized water have smaller water molecules?

“Small sized clusters” has been insisted by some people for featuring alkaline ionized water and has gained attention in the past. The aggregation of several water molecules due to hydrogen bonding is generally termed a “water molecule cluster”. However, this clustered status is considered to be repeatedly generated with an extremely short life-span (picosecond: One trillionth of a second) and no method for measuring the size of the water clusters are currently available. Therefore, there is no scientific data that can conclusively state “water clusters become smaller” and the claim that “water clusters become smaller” is not based on observed facts.



Alkaline water studies are ongoing

Some of the studies on alkaline water that are currently being conducted are evaluating its ability to neutralize acidity, improve hydration, help the body detoxify and more. Alkaline water is relatively new to the US, but studies on it have been conducted in Asia and Russia for decades. As more US researchers and doctors become familiar with the science behind alkaline water, the reasons that it is a smart part of a healthy diet are becoming more clearly understood in the US. Even the prestigious Mayo Clinic acknowledges that there is a link between alkaline water and better bone health.

Wondering if something you heard about alkaline water is true? Call us today at 877-959-7977 our research staff will be happy to look it up for you and give you the facts
