Kangen water® machines make artificially alkaline water using a chemical additive called calcium glycerophosphate, a drug often used as a calcium supplement. Calcium glycerophosphate is a potent drug that can cause a decrease in normal levels of stomach acid. Health experts recommend that you only consume calcium glycerophosphate under a doctor’s orders because over-consumption can be dangerous. If you use too much calcium glycerophosphate in your Kangen water®, you may experience some potentially health-threatening side effects. These side effects can range from moderate (gas) to severe (kidney stones).
Side Effects of Calcium Glycerophosphate
Calcium glycerophosphate is a drug that when taken as directed is safe. However, Enagic doesn’t provide any guidance to its customers about its effects. The problem with that is, Kangen Machine owners must use it to increase the pH levels of the water their machine makes, so it’s very possible to use too much, and endanger your health. The side effects reported below are from WebMD:
If you experience any of these Kangen Water side effects, stop drinking Kangen water and see your doctor, right away
If you experience any of the side effects of calcium glycerophosphate from drinking Kangen water, stop drinking it and tell your doctor right away. The most common side reported from drinking kangen water spiked with calcium glycerophosphate are nausea and constipation. Kangen water® machine owners who experience these side effects are overdosing on calcium glycerophosphate!
Health Conditions – Talk to your doctor before drinking Kangen water®
Talk to your doctor before drinking Kangen water if you have a history of kidney stones or low stomach acid. Warn your doctor that the machine uses the calcium glycerophosphate additive. Your doctor will probably advise you not to use it. Your doctor can advise you on how much (if any) Kangen water® you should drink.
Life Ionizers make natural alkaline water
Life alkaline water ionizers do not calcium glycerophosate, they make natural alkaline water. The reason Enagic® needs to add calcium glycerophosate to their water is that the Kangen water® machine isn’t powerful enough to make natural alkaline water unless the water being used has sufficient hardness.
Kangen water® sales representatives that we’ve talked to are unaware of the risks that can come from over-consumption of calcium glycerophosate so watch out! To protect your health, you may want to avoid the kangen water® machine. Since Enagic® Kangen doesn’t understand the risks of the chemicals they’re using, you can’t trust them.
Get the water ionizer more doctors trust. Call us today at 877-959-7977 for a free, no obligation consultation.
“Drugs & Medications – calcium glycerophosphate Misc..” Common and rare side effects of calcium glycerophosphate. Web MD. Web. 8 Jul 2013. <http://www.webmd.com/drugs/drug-5701-calcium glycerophosphate Misc.aspx?drugid=5701&drugname=calcium glycerophosphate Misc&pagenumber=6>.
Nguyen, Quang. “Calcium glycerophosphate side effects.” Doctor answers on Healthtap. Healthtap. Web. 8 Jul 2013. <https://www.healthtap.com/topics/calcium-glycerophosphate-side-effects>.
My head starts paining slightly after drinking kangen water is there any specific reason
Ok, good now wpuld that also why it also has a funny, acidic salty taste? Thank you for the first info, it’s very informal.
Beauty water is NOT for drinking !!!! It has a ph of 5.5 – 6. It’s used to water plants , as a skin toner ( skin has a natural ph of around 6 ) hair care , cleaning mirrors and windows just to name a few !!
I have e-mailed enagic with this question twice with no answer, we know someone with the enagic machine that gave us 5 gallon water containers, 3 in wich was drinking water the other two so called beauty water wich i believe was more acidic, anyway 1 of the so calledbeauty water had a funny smell and taste the next day, the other four had a good taste, i’m just trying to find out why would only that gallon of water would go bad and not the others.
Danny P Glover
I’ve been drinking Kangen Water now for almost 3 months. I love it. My only problem I’m having now is swelling above my ankle when I get home from work. I hope it’s not the Kangen Water.
Michael Bieda
Hello there. I have been using a Kangen water machine for the last 3 years. As a letter carrier in Arizona I drink a gallon of Kangen water a day–for about 6 months during the summer season . It is the only water my family drinks . I have a question : the Platinum plates that the water runs over. Is it possible overtime that you can have a build-up of platinum in your body? Another heavy metal that would possibly need to be chelated out?
I’ve spent thousands of dollars having heavy metals chelated out of my body intravenously. And in the back of my mind I wonder if I’m poisoning myself again. Any comments?
Ed Smith
Your research on the Kangen water machines is not accurate. The Enagic machines do not attempt to produce alkaline water. The alkaline water is a by product of the process of creating the Kangen water. Please do not do your research on Google. Please research electrolyzed water on PubMud where there is verifiable research done by medical professionals.
Life Ionizers Admin
Yes, that would be exactly why it has that bad taste. I’m glad we could help, I recommend definitely not drinking water from that machine. Alkaline water should taste slightly sweet and feel very refreshing, any other taste or sensation means there’s a problem
Life Ionizers Admin
It’s very simple: The Kangen water machine does not filter salts in the water. Most definitely, there is one or more chloride-based salts in your water. When ionized, chloride-based salts in water will produce free chlorine on the acidic side. That free chlorine then combines with other substances in that water to produce disinfection byproducts (DSBs) such as trihalomethanes that are dangerous. I’d stay away from that beauty water if I were you! That’s why your beauty water smells so funny.
Salt in water is a problem, we deal with it by supplying prefilters to customers that need them. No water ionizer that makes drinking water should be allowed to produce DSBs, they can be carcinogenic!
Life Ionizers Admin
That could happen if you use your Kangen machine to generate Strong Kangen water. That kind of water is powerful enough to damage the platinum coating on the plates. If that happens, you may ingest a significant amount of platinum. If you don’t use your machine for strong kangen water, then you’re fine.
The amount of platinum that could come off the plates in normal operation is vanishingly small, in the order of a few parts per trillion. Not enough to cause a build up in your body. Just avoid making strong kangen water.
Life Ionizers Admin
Swelling above your ankle could be a sign of peripheral edema. It can be an indication of an underlying health problem. We recommend you ask your doctor to check it out
Leo McDevitt
Hi Ed,
Kangen water is alkaline water, it’s not a byproduct. The Kangen machine uses the same process – Electrodialysis – to separate the alkaline fractions in water from the acidic ones. Both are then discharged through separate alkaline and acid ports. I’ve not only done research on this process, I also participate in engineering projects to produce new and improved machines. As such, I am intimately familiar with the process used by the Kangen and all other machines. In fact, I even disassembled a Kangen machine to see if they did anything differently. They don’t. It’s a standard one filter five plate ionizer, nothing special and definitely not worth $3980
Leo R. McDevitt
Head of Research
LIFE Ionizers, Carlsbad CA