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Why an Alkaline pH balance is best for fluoride detox

Why an Alkaline pH balance is best for fluoride detox by Life Water Ionizers

Your kidneys filter toxins from your body and help balance its pH. If you eat acidic foods, your urine pH balance will drop as your kidneys will excrete the acids in your bloodstream to restore the bloodstream’s pH balance.

But the problem is, the lower your urine pH balance, the less effective your kidneys are at expelling acidic toxins. This is why doctors use a procedure called alkaline diuresis to save poisoning victims. During the alkaline diuresis procedure, doctors use an intravenous solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to raise the patient’s urine to a pH of 7.4 – 7.6. Fluoride is one of the poisons that doctors treat with alkaline diuresis.

Fluoride renal clearance: a pH-dependent event.

Research on fluoride detoxification shows that your urine pH has a dramatic effect on your kidney’s ability to expel fluoride. At a urine pH of 5.5, your kidney’s are only able to clear about 5%  of the fluoride in your urine. Raise urine pH to 7.6, and the kidneys are able to expel 65% of any fluoride present in your bloodstream. Research shows that regardless of pH, about 35% of the fluoride will be reabsorbed by your body. The key to fluoride detoxification then is to maintain an alkaline state, and avoid acidosis.

Study conclusion: Fluoride renal clearance: a pH-dependent event:

“The results suggest that the tubular reabsorption of fluoride is inversely related to tubular fluid pH”

Symptoms of fluoride sensitivity

The most common symptom of fluoride poisoning is spotting or discoloration of the teeth, which is seen in children. Adults that are sensitive to fluoride most commonly report a rash that develops on the face around the mouth, a lack of energy, and upset stomach. Excessive fluoride over the long term may also result in weak and brittle bones.

Fluoride sensitivity is hard to diagnose, if you believe you are sensitive to fluoride, your best bet is to stop ingesting it and see if your symptoms go away. The most common sources of fluoride are toothpaste and fluoridated water, so it’s pretty easy to avoid. If your symptoms do clear up, you may want to detox from fluoride to get as much of it as possible out of your body.

How to raise the pH balance of your urine

Food: The best thing you can do is to stop eating acidic foods, and switch to a healthy alkaline diet. Your kidneys work to maintain a healthy pH balance in the blood by excreting acids in the urine. The less of an acid load you put on your kidneys, the easier it is to reach an alkaline urine pH level.

How to eat, drink and live your way to a healthy pH balance

Water: Alkaline water raises the pH balance of both blood and urine, so drinking it is a great way to maintain a higher urine pH. A water ionizer is the best source of alkaline water for raising your pH balance, because you can adjust the pH of the water you’re drinking. Powerful water ionizers can deliver alkaline water with a pH of over 11, which will effectively alkalize your urine unless you have underlying health issues.

You should drink the appropriate amount of water based on your body weight, there is no advantage in overdoing it. Divide your body weight (pounds) in half, then drink that amount in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds: 150 pounds divided by 2 = 75, so you would drink 75 ounces of water per day.

If you drink too much water, your kidneys will focus on that, and the rate that they remove toxins – called the glomerular filtration rate – will decline.

Supplementation: You should only use pH-raising supplements under a doctor’s care. If you overdo it, you can cause a harmful condition called metabolic alkalosis. Your doctor will need to perform tests to find out what the safe level of supplementation is for you.

How to test the pH of your urine

Testing:  You can use pH test strips to track the pH of your urine. One test isn’t enough, as your urine pH will vary throughout the day. If you’ve alkalized, it’s best to test your urine pH about a half hour afterward, and then again an hour afterward. That way you will be able to see the effect of alkalizing on your urine pH.

How to perform a 24 hour urine pH test

What if you can’t raise the pH of your urine?

There are some conditions that can make it hard to raise your urine pH. If you find yourself in this condition, it’s best to talk to your doctor. Your doctor will be able to test yours for conditions that result in chronic low urine pH. It’s a potentially serious condition, don’t put off visiting the doctor if you think you have it!

Potassium deficiency: A potassium deficiency will prevent you from raising the pH balance of your urine. Potassium deficiency will even make it impossible for doctors who are treating poisoning victims with alkaline diuresis. When that happens, the doctor will administer intravenous potassium to the patient to restore their potassium levels.

You can improve your potassium levels by reducing the amount of salt in your diet, switching to Nu-Salt, which is a potassium-based salt, or by consuming foods that are rich in potassium like bananas. You can also find potassium supplements in health food stores.

Metabolic syndrome: Your body may be in a state of chronic acidity called metabolic syndrome, the symptoms of which are:

    • Obesity

    • High blood sugar

    • Kidney stones

    • High blood pressure

  • High cholesterol

If you have at least 3 of the above 5 symptoms, talk to your doctor about metabolic syndrome.

Filters that remove fluoride

If your water is fluoridated, you will need a filtration system that removes fluoride. Keep in mind that most popular water filters – like the Brita Pitcher – do not remove fluoride from water. There are three filtration technologies that reduce or remove fluoride from water:

    • Reverse Osmosis

    • Distillation

  • Ion-trapping filters

Reverse Osmosis: Removes all minerals and other toxins from water, leaving 99% pure water. Water treated with reverse osmosis needs to be re-mineralized to make it healthy to drink.

Distillation: Also removes minerals and other toxins from water. Just like reverse osmosis, distilled water needs to be remineralized to make it safe to drink.

Did you know? Water treated with reverse osmosis or distillation will become acidic unless you remineralize it. Acidification happens because the water absorbs carbon dioxide from the air.

Ion-trapping filters: Are an economical alternative to reverse osmosis and distillation. Life Ionizers Super Filter for fluoride has been shown in independent lab testing to reduce the level of fluoride in water to below detectable levels. The Super Filter for Fluoride fits in standard 10-inch filter housings and can easily be added to your existing filter system. Activated alumina filters also reduce fluoride, but they don’t work as well as Life’s Super Filter for fluoride.

Yes, we can filter the fluoride in your water, and raise the pH of your water to healthy levels. Call us at 877-959-7977 for a free water quality consultation.


Whitford, GM,  and et al. “Fluoride renal clearance: a pH-dependent event..” American Journal of Physiology, n.d. Web. 19 Mar 2014. <>.

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1 comment

  • Bill Moser

    Very concerned about Fluoride in my Municiple water – Currently have a alkalizing water unit which has two filters of course. But very concerned about fluoride – which i have been under the impression removed about 95% of the fluoride but now understand that this is not the case. Please advise a solution!

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